Do you gather eggs, or skirts, clans, or your thoughts? What have you gathered in the past?
F is for Fervid
Understanding that there are things beyond our control can help us with writing about both the good and the bad in life.
E is for Essential
Often writing prompts will ask , “What is essential to you?” Questions such as this, too often, elicit a short answers that are quite predictable. Family. Parents. Children. My church.
These are great answers, but somewhat uninformative. A difference of perspective allows a more complete understanding of priorities in life.
D is For Dystopian, Fanciful Concepts
What fanciful influences might have nudged you toward certain pathways in later life?
C is for Your Cultures
The older I get, the more I see how the changes that swept through middle America actually swept away an older culture that did not know how to preserve itself. That bygone culture is still very much a part of the culture I carry around with me.
B is for Becoming
Slow down, think about what happened between two events. Don’t just focus on the trauma of an event, or where you are now. Evaluate all the shifting sands between that then and now. Write about these sands-capes as they are some of the most important paths we walk.