April brings the A to Z Writing / Blogging Challenge.
This year,in Apri, I will be posting 26 posts, one for each letter of the alphabet. The topic “Permission to Write” will be the theme to guide me through the 26 posts.
This grouping of posts will, I hope, give you permission to write about anything, and all things. These will be enabling permissions rather than constraining prompts. Sometimes, as 21st Century woman, I find so many other tasks, to dos, and ought to dos, that I do not prioritize my writing with great importance. I suspect I am not the only person to put my needs, especially when it comes to writing, far lower on my to do list than it deserves. Far lower than I deserve.
Women need access to other women’s thoughts, writings, knowledge, and wisdom. If we do not write these down, record them, and at least attempt to preserve them in some fashion, then we are ill-serving our daughters, nieces, and all future women to repeat mistakes we made and from which they will not be able learn.

I am sharing what I believe are carefully crafted elicitation tools. Prompts , in their simplest form, can poke you and produce an answer to a question. An elicitation tool, named and used by social scientists, walks with you down a path into a private memory garden filled with reference to images, emotions, and even scents that are connected to experiences from your life.
This is the difference between, “When was your grandmother born?” and “Tell me about the first memories you have of your grandmother’s kitchen, porch, or garden.”
We have to ask the right type of question if we want to tell a nuanced story.
The Central web page for the challenge can be found here. However, this site is older, insecure, http web protocol and and not the secure https protocol that all online readers should look for when opening or reading a site.
The listing of the participating sites can be found here in this google doc.
To participate in the A to Z Challenge, you will need to register here. Why? So you can read and draw inspiration from other participants’ writings.
Enjoy, think, write!
Sounds interesting. Good luck!
Ronel visiting for Theme Reveal for A to Z Blogging Challenge 2024
Ronel, I do hope you find it interesting. I am essentially talking about how to create elicitation tools, or what my profs in grad school called elicitation tools. I am creating prompts to use in memoir coaching. G’luck to you too.
Echoing the comment above. I’ll be looking forward to your posts.
Look forward to seeing your prompts. I love how prompts inspire different people in different ways
Too many people simply do not get the elegance of prompts. Prompts at their best should lure you in like a lush scent drawing you toward the a pie on a country cottage window ledge or the first bloom of lilac that sends you back to your grandmother’s garden.
Nothing like a good challenge about writing 🙂
Have a fantastic April!
Writing about writing… sort of from the dept of redundancy dept (per Monty Python)… I love writing in all its forms!!! I will have to pop in to see what you are saying about the cohort that served as a cadre I accessed through a time-space portal in my 20s when I toyed with “literature.”
Sounds different. Looking forward to following along.
I’m curious to see your prompts!
A-Z Challenge: Magical Botany
Soon. We will start revealing soon!
womenslegacy recently posted…April Around the Corner
I love prompts! They can lead you so many places you’d never expect. I have a few prompt books, both written and in picture form, and they can inspire so many ideas. It can be so fun to end up somewhere distant from where you first began, the two seemingly unrelated as your mind makes the twisting, turning journey to the end result.
Torie Lennox recently posted…2024 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal
Fantastic theme you’ve chosen for the A to Z challenge! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next letters of the alphabet.
Thank you Faith. I hope you will continue to think it fantastic as the posts unfold.
I love the term “elicitation tools”! I can’t wait to begin!
Love that you are doing this!