Actually eyes are part of the Central Nervous System. No other part of the CNS is exposed to the outside, to others. Perhaps that is part of the reason that the old English saying, “Eyes are windows to the soul” came into being. There are also all the muscles around the eyes and in the face that are involved in facial expression.
There is also the expression that, “the eyes do not lie.”
Paralyzing muscles with neurotoxins in the name of “beauty,” as Botox does, must hide part of a person's soul when it denies the ability of muscles to act in outward expression of inner feelings.
Pictures like this one, above, show the crinkled outer corners of a man's eyes and the “laugh lines” that are exacerbated with smiling. This part of the face knows no socio-economic status, if you are a man. Happy eyes are happy, but women are not supposed to have laugh lines or crows feet.
For me, eyes are the most expressive part of the body and yes, I believe as well, that they do not lie. I do not mind the lines around mine either (or even the bags underneath). I’ve lived through and earned the making of them all! What a great view on botox hiding a part of a person’s soul. I don’t mind people using it – it’s just not for me. What a pleasant way to remember your father and I’m sure he loved looking into your eyes to see the love shining there as well.
Coming to accept ourselves as imperfect, unique manifestations of life that connect and combine other lives is something with which I have only recently really made peace. I’m glad it makes sense to someone else. Thanks for your comment. Yes, he did love me.
And if others want to use botox, that is fine with me too. I just hope they know they would be just as beautiful without it.
What a lovely post. I see both of my parents when I look at my face. I have my dad’s smile, my mom’s eyes, and dad’s chipmunk cheeks. It’s nice to see them when I am looking at me aging.
Happy Birthday to your dad and lots of fond memories to you as you remember tomorrow.
Hi Jo, Dad and I had a good birthday. I spent some time on, had some ice cream, and spent some time remembering good things. Parents are always with us. Thanks.