This month, February 2018, continues a now year-long streak of heightened, and potential, change as well as challenges for women, societal interactions and perceptions. This is true, dear reader, no matter where you fall into or upon any political spectrum. The only political opinion expressed here is that “not to make a decision is to […]
March Prompts
Matrona’lia and More What a great way to start off Women’s History Month! We will be celebrating the stories of regular women all month long. Be sure to stop back often to check out features about shared with us from around the globe about women who inspired us and changed the world one person at […]
Resolution Reboot and Spring Cleaning
Has your resolve to keep your New Year Resolutions dissolved? Missed out on re-energizing your will power at the Lunar New Year? No worries. In the next few weeks we have several opportunities to recharge and revamp resolutions that have gone the way of dissolution. These opportunities might even stand a better chance of success […]
Wet Earth in Spring
The prompt I'm using today comes from Nablopomo and I've chosen it because today is the day for the Letter D in the Blogging A to Z Challenge: “In Spring at the end of the day you should smell like DIRT.” — Margaret Atwood This image is from and reminds me of early Spring […]
Punxsutawney Phil, Ewe's Milk, and St. Brighid
Happy winter mid-point to spring! Whether you call it Groundhog Day, Candelmas, Imbolc, or St. Brighid’s Day, the point in the annual cycle of days and seasons where we are in this current year has been marked in the Northern Hemisphere for tens of hundreds of years. I am a veritable fountain of information on […]
The Merry, Merry Month of May
May is my birth month. I’m sure that is why I have such a positive association with it. Birthdays were major for me as a kid. It was better than Christmas as far as gifts after I was 4 or so. It seemed to come out of the blue when I was very little, unlike […]