Hiatus. I have been in between. At times it seems I am somewhere between walls that are closing in on me. Have you ever felt like you are always busy but do not get anything accomplished? Or perhaps you feel preoccupied. Back on Track My bitching, and moaning, and feeling sorry for myself only lasted […]
The Plan for My Website
I think of this level of task as the rabbit hole in the weeds. The less high-level a task is, the more likely I am to stumble over it, fall and get mired down in sticky, recursive gunk-filled rabbit-hole.
Perhaps I Should Write Like This Everyday
This year’s A to Z doesn’t really have a concrete theme… just things running through my head. I’m not trying to impress anyone, although if you like my style you can certainly keep reading my stuff. I’m also not specifically writing about Women’s Legacy this month, although that is what I have been doing for […]
Evoking Essential Information
Sometimes you need to talk to others in order to corroborate or elicit information about a topic or person. sometimes you need to sit yourself down and collect and organize your thoughts and the information with which you want to work. This post deals with how to elicit information from yourself. I strongly suspect that […]
Organizing, Digital Hoarding and Brushes with Mortality
Oh Fa-aack. I’ve been trying really, really hard to be a responsible grown-up. Now that my daughter is in grad-school, engaged, and Hubby and I are celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary this summer I have to come to grips with this life being the reality I have for the rest of my life. For some […]
Autumnal Equinox – Calm Before the Storm
I have always loved the ways the words “autumnal equinox” roll off my tongue. Three syllables each, vowel heavy, q and x, and n sounds, quirky smooth complexity. The season was sort of a damp gray melancholy after a few days of vibrant color where I grew up in the mid-west, but where I now […]