You can tell the academic in me is on home turf when I start talking about structure and function, about la lengue and la parole, about emic and etic. ( Note: This is a most semiotic post.) I have been writing posts non-stop this month. These past week has seen a lull in my posting. So I failed […]
Roger Lee Hill, August 4, 1948 – November 8, 2014
I just got back from the All Souls Procession. I checked messages on the Trolley on the way to the plaza at San Augustine Mercado. I hadn’t checked them since this morning. I got a text from my nephew saying his dad had died last night. Rest in Peace my Brother. Mom, Dad, Dave, Max, […]
Assessing the Mess
Time escalates at an alarming rate as I pass through life. I am already planning on responding to Nablopomo comments and such during lunch tomorrow so I can have the evening to clean the house before I have laser eye surgery on Tuesday. I don’t know how I used to do the 8-5, raise a […]
The Veil Thinned and I Traveled Along Its Folds
The morning after Halloween I awoke from a night of dreams that bordered on the stark disquiet that is nightmare. I felt as though my spirit journeyed along the thinning veil between the worlds that separates the here and now from possible futures and pasts lived by all who came before us. I started on this journey […]
November Is For NaBloPoMo
It’s Alphabet Soup. It’s Acronym Stew. No, it is NaMoPoMo! I’m celebrating making it through another October, often a very difficult month for me, by joining in this annual blog writing challenge by writing and posting on this blog every day in November. No. It doesn’t make sense to me either. And yes, this […]
A is for April and an Abject Attitude
I have not been able to figure out what is going on with me lately. I cannot write, or concentrate, or work. I start wonderful pieces of writing and then lose interest and decide to take a nap. I got off track after successfully getting on track a few weeks ago when I deviated from […]