The all in one review summary post with a Table of Contents and a Timeline and a Reflections Section

Why write about Personal History? Because…

Changing Climate and the Urgency of Women’s Knowledge

DNA & Diaspora

Mama’s Egg Money

Tell-tale Food

Genomes and Genealogy


Jupiter and Juleps

Kinship and Kindness

Love and Light

Munchausen by any other name


Origin Stories

Side Channel Meaning: Paranormal and Pets

Quilting Fabrics, Quilting Lives

Referencing Your Research

Timelines as Sequences of Time and Thought


Violins on Television

Websites & Blogs

Xs on the Map

Yearning for Youth

Zero to Zenith

Not everyone who participates in the A to Z Challenge that occurs every April, or has every April for the last 9 years anyway, considers themselves to be a writer. Some of us, however, do lay claim to that moniker. Writers are people who have to write, at least that is how I define who we are. Most of the people who sign up for the challenge probably are writers, even if they do not admit to addiction. I began to identifying as a writer in 7th grade. There have been years when I considered myself a poet, but that has been at least 10 to 15 years since I workshopped with Will Inman and actively identified as a poet for a while. One of the things I will always remember is when he paid me the compliment of insisting I should submit some of my writing to a particular editor. “Send him some of your dirty stuff,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.
I’ve never considered myself an author, but I want to author a publication in the next year or so. It is something I have wanted to do for decades, and if I succeed, it will be partially thanks to this challenge. I need specific deadlines to accomplish things. But I like these specific deadlines to be set by myself. “Working and playing well with others” had never been my strong suit. Growing up in fairly isolated circumstances probably contributed to this tendency more than anything else. I’m not anti-social or anything.
But anyway, this challenge is just perfect for me, as I can adopt the constraints of the challenge as enabling constraints because I actively decide to participate. I do not have to create the rules, procedure, and such and thus do not fall down a structural rabbit hole as I am wont to do. I love to play with structure and will sink absurd amounts of time into structural activities if left to my own devices.
Even the rumination about the project and summary activity has structure provided, as well as a specific time period, Monday, May 2nd, through Saturday, May 7th.
The “Reflection’s” Structure
- tell us how it went for you
- what you want us to do differently
- what you think you’ll do differently next year
- and anything else you’d like to share with us
I think I’ve already fulfilled the anything else you’d like to share with us part above.
I do wish all the sites involved were httpS. In this day and age an unsecured site is really unacceptable.
Onward, it went very well for me. I connected with a few people, learned a few new techniques such as timelines and T of C. And I accomplished my goad of writing about aspects of doing personal history.
So I think I will try to write the entries for A to Z ahead of time for next year.
I wasn’t sure about this all as I have previously opted out of finishing the challenge on a couple of occasions when I had actually started the challenge. These false starts, I prefer not to think of them as failures, were very informative for me as I know what can stop me when I now sign up for the challenge.
I don’t think it is required that you have a theme. The event has a theme every year, but no one is forced to follow along with it. One year, I think the first I actually finished it, I had no theme other than what struck my fancy. It was fun.
Another year that I finished, it was the year that I most enjoyed, I was trying to understand Pinterest, so I designed and pinned a coordinated and templated pin for every single A to Z post. It was fun too, pretty colors, pretty pictures, interesting stories.

To have fun is most important, but to minimize stress – write the entries ahead of time, you can always change them if you feel so inclined.

Nancy, your posts are always amazing, entertaining, and informative. Taken as a body of work, they’re monumental! Well done!
Oh Diane, thank you! You are so kind. I try. And I will put a book together.
Congrats on finishing the challenge! Writing posts before April is definitely easier than having to do it on the day 🙂 Oh, if you’re interested in publishing your work, check out The Creative Penn for informative books, podcast interviews, and links to external resources. (One of my favourite places to learn new stuff.)
Ronel visiting for A-Z Challenge Reflections 2022
Thanks so much Ronel. I am working on a book and have been learning through and am trying out Atticus. I will check out the creative pen.
What impressed me about your posts was the amount of time and effort you put into it, and your Reflections post was even more time and effort. Well done and, once again, congratulations on completing the Challenge.
Thanks Alana! I’ve always written in this style. I’m such a nerd. And working on a book now too.
I didn’t make it to your blog during the A to Z, like so many others. I’m using the Reflections list to try to catch some of the blogs I missed. I’m with you: Next year I’m going to be much better prepared. Maybe then I can visit all the blogs I wish to!
Congratulations on making it to the end!
Thanks Red, I’m still behind in getting started on the Roadtrip. Thanks for stopping by!
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