These are just my cryptic notes from listening to the 1.5 hour streaming launch announcements from Apple® today. No guarantees.
Old Stuff
self kudos from CEO for previous releases iPhone 5c
itunes radio on phone
app store – huge
developers make money big money
clear vision of where apple is going
New Stuff
OS 10 (10 . 10) Mavericks
power efficiency extends even the best hardware they offer extends
compressed memory 6 gigs data in 4 gigs of ram increases
graphics – variable memory allocation dependent on graphics accelerates
safari shared links
response from some apps
multiple display increase utility on all
ibooks & textbooks (demo 3, 2, 1, ) topical tags capability
message notifications within apps logins enabled across devices
new calendar app includes location weather travel time send to specific device (iPhone)
$ new era – Free – single step update runs on iMacs all the the way back to 2007
available today!!!
air new version this summer
MacBook Pro
with retina
13 in or 11 inch
now 3.46 lbs for MacBook Pro Intel Haswell Core – Iris – 9 hours productivity flash storage 802.11ac Thunderbolt 2 $1299 start price ($200.00 lower than pref. version) ships today.
intel crystal well can get nvidia
quadcore 7
up to 8 hrs
PCI based
Thunderbot storeage
1 fan
unified thermal core
$1999 (starts at)
environmentally friendly
new design
cooling system
Intel Xeon E5
Quad 6, 8…
Fastest ECC memory
dual workstation graphics
next generation Flash Drive
Thunderbolt 2
up to 3 4k video displays
IO build for expansion
Final Cut Pro 10 – professionals – it will change the way I make movies
cuts edit of pics exponential
music fast quiet perfect for the studio
available in December
environmentally friendly
70% les energy usage
12 db at idle
assembled here in the U.S.
all new version
all 64 bit
browsing smooth
clean beautiful
much easier to share iMovie
photobooks – i photo on iPad
totally works on iPhone
garage band
32 tracs (on iphone or ipad!)
iCloud enabled switching between devices
example/demo of Drummer
Free with purchase of new mac or iOS device
biggest updates ever
full file compatibility
new UI easier and more powerful cleaner scree
object based-animation
more realistic and newer physics
NEW Featured Feature
styles for every kind of object
sharing is easy
opens in iWork for iCloud beta
Safari – allows collaboration on iWork for iCloud
Free with Mac purchase running iOS
November 1st release date
170 million iPads sold
iPad used 4x more than other tablets put together
#1 in customer satisfaction
475,000 apps for ipad (not stretched out app)
new vision for mobile computing
thinner lighter more powerful
iPad Air
9.7 in display
bezel 43 percent smaller
7.5 cm
1 lb.
lightest full size table
A7 chip desktop class architecture
over 1 billion transisters
8x faster
7 x better performance
MIMO tech for connectivity
expanded LTE coverage
10 hour bat life still
silver and white
space gray and black
$499 16 gig for iPad Air
ipad2 $399
ipad mini
7.9 in retina display added
A7 64 bit architecture
10 hr
expanded LT
$399 (later iPad mini)
iPad 2 mini at $299
all in time for Holidays
Do you have any Apple products? I’m trying to decide what to upgrade my smartphone to…iphone or other Android? Any suggestions or wisdom?
I have Apple everything. I love my iPhone 5. I have friends who think Android rocks. If you are an apps addict like I am, I download and try out and then delete – rarely use, then iPhone’s buzillion apps tilt the decision in that direction.