This site, The Women’s Legacy Project, proclaims “Live your legacy now!” This phrase of course has as many interpretations as there are people who see it. Our editor and publisher thought you might like to know what she meant by the trademark phrase. We hope you enjoy her writing about the Trademark/slogan.
The following image summarizes the essence of what the site encourages women, and men, to do when thoughts logically turn to legacy.
Wouldn’t you rather be doing things that are adding great memories and stories to your legacy rather than laboring over scrapbooks and written pages? Most people would say, “Yes!’
As a writer trained to be a semiotic anthropologist I can wax on and on about minuetia of generational systems of women and communication, ad nauseum, but rather than do that. I am listing some of the essential meanings and contexts of this phrase to me:
- Bucket lists are far too often filled with “Things I wish I had done” items, and are inherently sad, as they are filled with regret and what I like to call, woulda, coulda, shoulda.
- The only moment we have is now. Live in the moment. Do what you want to do!
- “…he [who is] not busy being born is busy dying…” –Bob Dylan
- Leaving kick ass stories behind once you are gone requires living a kick ass life. Go kick ass!
- Digital footprints make it easy to toss a collection of words and images together; so, do this collection building while you are out doing amazing things.
- Living long enough to be reflective gives you the “life credentials” to go do what you have always wanted to do.
- Where there is a will, there is a way!
- Your legacy once you are gone, can be reshaped by others, unless you live such an inspiring, audacious, and monument building life. So go do the latter.
- Live life as you want to be remembered. As Bonnie Raitt lyrics say, “Let’s give ’em something to talk about.”
Of course these are my words and my interpretations. Yours are just as valid as mine. Go live a full life, and encourage others to do so as well.
I love being who I am…and who cares what anyone else thinks! I know my heart, those who love me know my heart and my legacy may have its pluses and minuses but at least it’ll be an interesting one.
Interesting is the best thing of all, m’dear!
I want to, but it’s hard to live in the moment however I would like to leave some kick ass stories behind. Thanks!
Try for both. We are only ever in the now and kick ass actions can be fun!
I’ve never given any thought to my legacy. Not sure why. Perhaps it just doesn’t seem important to me. What matters is I live my integrity, I share my love and wisdom, I help where I can, and I have intentional fun and laughter. Life is way too short. There are many things I wish I had done. I don’t lament them. I just go about the business of doing them as soon as, and the best that, I can.
We all will have one and living well and vibrantly, something you have no problem with, from what I can tell,is the best way to create a wonderful one!
I have been so much happier since becoming mindful. Of course I am still practicing but it is going well.
My husband decided last year that he wanted us to make as many memories as we can, while we can and to document them. Not major bucket list types of things just meaningful things with each other and our family. We are having a great time.
Congratulations. It seems you and your husband are most enlightened beings who know how to enjoy this life and show others the way!
I have no idea what my legacy will be, but I know that while it takes a great deal of time to cultivate living in the moment, it is well worth the effort. Thanks for your post.
The moment is all we have and being in the moment allows us to weave the fabric that creates the future.
So very true…it’s all about the power of now! I always pressure myself into thinking oh my gosh I should be off doing something exciting but then I think, well, I am. Each day is filled withs its own excitement even if I’m at my computer!
As long as you are able to say, “I am,” well then you are walking a good path.
We are doing the best that we can, Nancy. I love your advice here. Sort of puts the fire under me to live life a little louder! Excellent.
Shout it out! You are definitely living life loud and clear. Thanks.
“…when thoughts turn to legacy” and that is where our thoughts will do their best work! I think what is often overlooked is that legacy really doesn’t have to have anything to do with ego or personal accomplishments. I know that sounds contradictory but this is how I see it. What I do rarely is about me — my actions are contributions to something so much more and my hope is to inspire others to do the same. That has very little to do with my ego or my status or how I am remembered. It is, as you so beautifully put it, living a “momentum building life” — one that gives others a place to build from. Yep, way too deep for Wednesday night :)!
I just realized what I love most about this project and the journey you are leading Nancy. You give us a reason to dig and poke and prod just a bit more. Thank you!
Ruth, your support means so terribly much to me. I hope you know that. We should not need encouragement to poke, prod, think, record, and so on… but so many have always lived their lives for others without understanding what amazing beings we women are – we can still be generous and caring, but do so in am empowered, aware, now. Hugs to you!
I am so with you. I have pretty much stopped buying things and, instead, am spending my money on travel and experiences. To me, those are the moments that build memories and build big, rich lives.
You have it girl! But of course you do.
I love this. I try to find experiences that I will enjoy–and that will make great conversation fodder.
Grist for the mill, so to speak.
Amen to that! Excuse me now, I have to go kick ass!
You are so great at doing, sharing, and kicking ass.