Today is TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY! Argh Matey, Shiver me timbers, it is time to swab the deck, and make some wealthy merchants walk the plank!
Seriously, it is talk like a pirate day! September 19th is the day of “Argh, Aye, and Matey!” In fact is is the 10th Anniversary of the international observation of Talk Like a Pirate Day.
I hope we can use today to add a bit of humor to the very serious business of Presidential Politics. Might I suggest we focus on the irony of needing to be Robinhood-esque or supportive of the “Dwed Piwate Woberts” in order to regain possession of the American Dream that has been stolen from us by an inhumane corporatocracy who are not people, and the very real arrogant, leisure-class families behind those corporations.
Let’s define what a real pirate is and you can be the judge as to whom may qualify.
- Steals from othes and hides that “treasure” away in secrecy on islands. This does include the Cayman Islands.
We have to distinguish piracy from privateering. And privateering has evolved from it’s origins as raiding that takes place on the sea to what George Lakoff defines in Chapter Seven of The Political Mind:
Privateering is a special blend of privatizing and profiteering. Privateering is the surreptitious destruction of the government’s capacity to carry out its critical moral missions of protection and empowerment. It is accomplished by privatizing government functions which results in the loss of public accountability and the transfer of wealth from the public coffers to corporations. Each instance of privateering damages the foundation of our American democracy.
So today whenever the opportunity presents itself, when people ask you why you are talking like a pirate, you take the chance to explain that you are considering the piracy as a viable option to ending the profiteering by the wealth-defined elite in America. Aw, c’mon, it is only for a day, and we know we are really peace-loving and constitution-respecting people… but it would be fun for a day, no?
THere is always a way to make a political statement. Should be a fun day either way!
I’m just a political animal. 🙂
oh my boys will love to know it’s pirate day!
🙂 Ay Matey, every boy loves being a pirate!
I thought this was such an “interesting” day when I saw it this morning (and of course had to do my own post). First thing my daughter did was text me from school with “Ahoy Matey” as she was going to the cafe for breakfast. I wonder if she was “talking like a pirate” all day ??
Bet that drove the teachers crazy! I just love this.