I am in San Diego at a National Women’s History Alliance meeting. Do you know about the Justice Bell. Did not this morning. Now I do. A copy of the Liberty Bell made by suffragists to tour around on a flat bed truck as a draw for suffragists speeches, over a 100 years ago. We […]
June Writing Prompts
WLP is in a bit of a summertime slump. We are based in Tucson and when it is over 110° F the Editor/Publisher goes into siesta mode! But never fear, we are here. Just really behind. Let us start with the basics, what the florists and jewelers are hawking this month! Birthstones of June If you are […]
February Prompts
Inspirational Women of February Cailleach: The Prototypic February Female (9 prompts) Cailleach, a Gaelic/Celtic divine crone associated with the Winter months has her last flurry of activity around Imbolc, Candlemas, or Groundhog Day which is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Folk belief states that if Cailleach is out and about, […]
Reprint of "Ain't I A Woman" Redoubt
Most of this post is a republication of an article about a woman who inspired a little white girl from a county next to Kosciusko County, Indiana, where the woman, Sojourner Truth, infamously bared her breast to the congregated to prove her womanhood when pro-slavery infiltrators began to heckle her. In 1858 in Silver Lake, Kosciusko, […]
Dreams of Strength and Wisdom
For the fourth day of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge I am giving you a bit about my dreams and views on history and legacy. Sometimes things seem to align. There is a wisdom brewing. It is an interconnected women’s wisdom. Many of us writing on the web write from monikers real or imagined, […]