It is time to plan for the coming month. I rarely accomplish all I plan to do, and that is just fine. The first rule of planning is: Plans change. Rule two is that there are no rules, only guidelines. Guideline 3: Treasure each moment by living in the moment. Today I am in a […]
is for Narration Narration If you want to share your story, your family’s story, your church group’s story, your ancestor’s story, or the story of someone you admire, you will eventually realize you are a narrator of someone else’s story, even if you are telling your own story. No, no need for schizophrenia. Narrating […]
The F of Legacy Tools – Filter
is for Filter in the A to Z of Tools for Legacy Filter, screen, censor, or frame, no matter what you call it, we all do it, and we humans have always done it. Sexuality has been written out of most personal family histories and stories for a long, long time. All the way back […]
My Father's 100th Birthday
My father, Donald, was only 71 when he passed away. Today he would have celebrated his 100th birthday. Donald Eugene Hill was born at home near the tiny burg of Colburn, Indiana, on October 14, 1915. I saw the house once, abandoned and in the middle of a field; it has since been torn down. […]
Boomer Blogging Bog-down
Women have chronicled family history, recorded life events, written diaries, and journaled for all the centuries since writing became feasible through technological advancements. We still do, but for some of us this is just what we do, we write no matter what the limitations of our access to technology, there are lots of options when […]
Stumbling Over Ant Hills
I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels as I do, but given my “I’d live in a cave if I could” personality, I don’t stumble across many people period, let alone people who are much like me. So maybe this is more common than I think, but I suspect most people are not […]