Every woman should write something about being infringed upon. We need not pander to prurient interests but in writing for legacy purposes using the word infringe as a main prompt and then writing about personal experiences each of the strong matches of the synonyms covers the world of indignities women still navigate in their lives.
Women should record, write down, or somehow capture inspirations and insights.
Finding My Core
You realize you are in a rut. You create because that is what you do. Then you grasp that you have lost your inspiration. What do you do?
When Inspiration Goes “POOF”
You realize you are in a rut. You create because that is what you do. Then you grasp that you have lost your inspiration. What do you do?
And Now For…
“Oh Lordy Lordy.” That is what my mother might have said. Were she alive today, she would be 102. She was born before women had suffrage in the U.S. I’ve been looking for a phrase that is tame enough to not offend, but that anyone who knows me will know I am turning something on […]
A Simple Life Truth
The Quote I ran across a variation of this quote this morning on Pinterest attributed to Shakespeare. The quote is not by William Shakespeare. It is by David Viscott from a 1993 publication Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times: A Book of Meditations, as best as I can tell after researching it without having a copy of […]