Information is not data. Neither is it what you know. Information as defined by Gregory Bateson. Information is any difference that makes a difference. Gregory Bateson He also said something to the effect that when one thing makes it on to our map it becomes difference, or information. Anything in an environment is only real […]
Changing Climate and the Urgency of Women’s Knowledge
Women are creating our history by recording it for the first time, and by doing so we are nudging the future in an unknown, but feminine direction. We may continue to exist because of the mediating balance that women’s knowledge provides.
Progressing Together on Firm, Factual Ground – Five Methods
We cannot allow despair or complacency insinuate themselves into our our attitudes and actions – though they seem to have become ever-present companions in this huxleyan dystopia / brave new world in which we find ourselves.
Generations: Sage Systems and Digital Grandmothers
The Women’s Legacy Project is about a point in time and the women who live in this nexus that connects awareness, challenges, and technology at this tipping point in human history and our planet’s life.
Women, Information, and Estates of Governance
Women require information to govern in a democratic fashion just as do men. Understanding the evolution of a government, the systems from which it emerged, is essential to preservation, and betterment, of that government. Trajectories are real aspects of living systems and exert influence on contemporary processes. From 18th century France, there were three estates of society: the clergy […]