Collective superstition and mysticism are just that, tendencies to attribute meaning to uncertainty. However if enough of us attribute the similar meanings and momentum, and take guidance or inspiration from the same process or pattern, then we create a reality that reflects those attributes.
Cailleach and the Groundhog
Cailleach is the Celtic Crone. Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog. And believe it or not, they are related to each other.
February Prompts
Inspirational Women of February Cailleach: The Prototypic February Female (9 prompts) Cailleach, a Gaelic/Celtic divine crone associated with the Winter months has her last flurry of activity around Imbolc, Candlemas, or Groundhog Day which is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Folk belief states that if Cailleach is out and about, […]
Punxsutawney Phil, Ewe's Milk, and St. Brighid
Happy winter mid-point to spring! Whether you call it Groundhog Day, Candelmas, Imbolc, or St. Brighid’s Day, the point in the annual cycle of days and seasons where we are in this current year has been marked in the Northern Hemisphere for tens of hundreds of years. I am a veritable fountain of information on […]