I’m Done Nesting is the blog I’ve been writing for a year or so. I like the name, the tone, the friends I’ve made through it, but it just doesn’t feel right for all my stuff. Done Nesting was a Google hosted blog via blogger at blogspot.com. I have the domain name, donenesting.com, too. And […]
Bleeping Good News!
This past year has been harrowing, I have not made any bones about that, but the ball is in my court and I am officially back on a winning track. Give me a “Woot! Woot!” The low down is that the Doc this a.m said that my recent and long overdue lab tests came back […]
Fallopitarians, Universalists, and Revisionist American Religious History
I think my husband stumbled across a new term that I like. Fallopitarian. It comes from one of SlowPoke’s editorial cartoons. Seems that surreal absurdist argument is the only thing that comes close to describing the mental state of a small rather extreme group of patriarchal folks who really believe that they are better, more […]
I Have a Say and I Participated
I posted a short personal video as part of ProChoice America’s I HAVE A SAY campaign to send videos about what birth control means to individual women to anti-choice legislators. You can participate too. Just make a video on your computer. Upload it to You Tube and include the words, “I have a say” […]
Erma Bombeck Warned Us
We are all Erma Bombeck now. I was perusing the Pinterest pins and surfed over to a site containing Erma Bombeck quotes when I realized that at least half of the bloggers I read are following in the ink stained trail of Erma’s wit and wisdom. But then I’ve always thought Erma was far […]
Graphic for a Viral Shop-In
I created this image/graphic so I would have a badge to use on my blogging site in support of the Shop-In to thank J C Penney for keeping Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson and not caving in to small but loud protests about naming her their spokesperson. Also if you do participate this Sunday, […]