This month, February 2018, continues a now year-long streak of heightened, and potential, change as well as challenges for women, societal interactions and perceptions. This is true, dear reader, no matter where you fall into or upon any political spectrum. The only political opinion expressed here is that “not to make a decision is to […]
February Prompts
Inspirational Women of February Cailleach: The Prototypic February Female (9 prompts) Cailleach, a Gaelic/Celtic divine crone associated with the Winter months has her last flurry of activity around Imbolc, Candlemas, or Groundhog Day which is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Folk belief states that if Cailleach is out and about, […]
Juggling Prompts, Themes & Challenges
Last week was significant for me as it was back to work after a break to hang out with my daughter while she was back in the old home town finding a wedding venue. It took a week before last week to re-engage in writing, blogging group planning and events, a new take on local networking […]