After several weeks of living in a funk I have re-emerged with energy and ideas. Watch out world! TED Women – TEDx Tucson Women I was lucky to be invited, or have an invitation wrangled for me by my friend Pam Vaner of My Sassy Notions, to a gathering organized by Mary Reed, TEDxTucson Leader extraordinaire, to catch […]
Co-working, Networking, Achieving
Co-working groups are a variation on co-working spaces. I highly recommend employing this model and developing it as a women-centric variant of co-working spaces in order to achieve women’s business and life goals which exist outside of traditional business goals and operations. Please note that many, if not most, women’s business aspirations do fit within traditional […]
George Bailey and I Changed the World
A prompt in this month’s NaBloPloMo challenge involves writing about collective service actions and whether you feel you have changed the world. The actual challenge (for tomorrow, but who is looking at the calendar anyway) is: Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, […]
Juice, Juju, Karma, and The Business of Blogging: Part II
Do you every ask yourself, who am I helping with my participation in this ad campaign or blogging network? Perhaps you should. Helping yourself, helping your community, and helping global corporations all have very different reward structures and consequences. Types of Strategic Promotion This is the second post in a series of posts on the […]
Mommy Blogging Grows Up
I have always been a Mommy Blogger. I have never been a Mommy Blogger. Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes. — Walt Whitman I spend a lot of time attempting to reconcile these contradictory truths. That is why I love this quote. On The I […]
Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising in the Blogosphere
Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising in the Blogosphere I’ve been “watching” people tweet about attending the BlogHer ’12 conference for a while now. I don’t observe all the time, or even every day, but #BlogHer12 is one of the streams of hashtags I follow when I do log in. I have also started planning out a […]