My father, Donald, was only 71 when he passed away. Today he would have celebrated his 100th birthday. Donald Eugene Hill was born at home near the tiny burg of Colburn, Indiana, on October 14, 1915. I saw the house once, abandoned and in the middle of a field; it has since been torn down. […]
Clouds of Late Fifties Funk
I have been in a funk and giving myself a pity party for the last several weeks. First I realized my magical year was ending as my 58th birthday rolled around a couple weeks ago. Born in 1957 my 57th year was to be magical or golden according to contemporary mythology I chose to embrace. […]
25 Years With My Daughter Thus Far
This will not be a huge post, not intended to change other people’s lives, nor for getting page views, or for furthering other bloggy-world accomplishments, but it is about my biggest, best, most wonderful accomplishment in this world: My daughter Phoebe. She is pictured below with her fiancé, Adam. I love her more than life itself. […]
Columbus, Chicken DNA and My Dad
1915. It seems worlds away from today. My Dad was born in a small farmhouse outside the burg of Colburn 98 years ago today Indiana to Dorothy and Ellis, a young married couple. He was the first of 8 children, seven of whom lived into adulthood. Today I am in the midst of a juxtaposition […]
My Birthday Gift to Myself
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me… “Well, you say it’s your birthday, well it’s my birthday, too, yeah…” “A very merry un-birthday to you… to you!” I think I may give myself something material as well… like an iPhone on a Cricket plan, but while I’d love to take a walk in the […]
The Merry, Merry Month of May
May is my birth month. I’m sure that is why I have such a positive association with it. Birthdays were major for me as a kid. It was better than Christmas as far as gifts after I was 4 or so. It seemed to come out of the blue when I was very little, unlike […]