Being a Boomer is not about having a mid-life crisis. Joe Queenen apparently does not understand this. I’m sitting in a Borders Books drinking a regular coffee and not a decaf latte, thank you very much, and skimming through a copy of Balsamic Dreams, Joe’s most recent book. I refuse to even contemplate purchase of […]
The Women of Rock
While 70s music may be known for splintering off an incredibly diverse number of styles and interpretations of rock and roll, it should be known for the decade when women rockers came into their own. Well okay maybe recognition of them didn’t really happen until a bit later… but that is when late boomer women […]
A Lifetime of Violence: Terrorism, Rates of Information Flow and Baby Boomers
One of the trends that distinguishes Baby Boomers, especially the later born Boomers, from other cohorts is the unique role senseless violence, in general, and terrorism, in particular, played in the development of our psyches. People born in the late 50s and early 60s grew up with an intimate, personal relationship with violence that was […]
Gilda's Gift of Laughter
Gilda Radner would have been 55 years old on the day I wrote this article, June 28 2001. In a retrospective piece we stroll back to the rich, dynamic and rapidly evolving world of the comedy of women in 1970s television that she and a select group of comediennes created for us before our very […]
Children of the 60s
I used to say, “If I see another Boomer web page with “psychedelic” or swirly pastel backgrounds, a lava lamp, or a cartoonish hippie, I’m gonna lose it!” Now I have to include the “shaggy headed clean-cut boy next door” in the instant trigger for a gut churning response. I swear… “I’m gonna hurl!” as […]
Systems theory, semiotics, and deconstructing post-modernist bull
Systems theory, semiotics, and deconstructing post-modernist bull: a rambling exposition on the misapplication of seminal academic theory as interpreted by Baby Boomers. I really planned to write about birth, sex and death this morning, but demography just isn’t doing it for me today. Eventually I will write about cohorts, and complete that first paragraph that […]