Boomers were not called Boomers until the late 1970s. And the truth is that there are at least two primary groups of Boomers. The first half of the population bump that happened between 1946 and 1964 were the people too young to be beatniks, but old enough to be cannon fodder for the war in […]
Dreams of Strength and Wisdom
For the fourth day of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge I am giving you a bit about my dreams and views on history and legacy. Sometimes things seem to align. There is a wisdom brewing. It is an interconnected women’s wisdom. Many of us writing on the web write from monikers real or imagined, […]
Boomer Blogging Bog-down
Women have chronicled family history, recorded life events, written diaries, and journaled for all the centuries since writing became feasible through technological advancements. We still do, but for some of us this is just what we do, we write no matter what the limitations of our access to technology, there are lots of options when […]
Early Boomers Feel Misclassified Too
I found a great article this morning! Turns out the early boomers, at least some of them,feel they too were misclassified. I’m primarily interested in the description of musicians who were not boomers being used as iconographic images of the Baby Boom. Most of the musicians associated with the Hippie, free love, free sex, anti-establishment […]
The Prototypic Baby Boomer Toots Her Own Horn
I’m reclaiming my authority on this topic. (Yes, you are allowed to have Cartman echoing in your head, “Respect my authority!”) The last half of the baby boom needs me. Well they wanted to call us the “me generation” so I might as well act like I have a super huge ego. Seriously, I ranted […]
Art, Angst & Zeitgeist
Our fearless, or perhaps foolish, editor once again manages to rant about interconnections among the strangest things. Kurosawa, current political zeitgeist and neurobiology. There’s no explaining it. Just read it. One shift in perspective, one single act, can change everything. Many folks apparently found this out for the first time on September 11th, 2001. Nothing I’m […]