There is so much that didn’t make it in to the corporate media — I don’t know where to begin. So I will start with CODEPINK. It is interesting to note that the dark blond woman who had the banner ripped out of her hands is a constituent of John McCain who knows he has done nothing for the people of Arizona although he has helped corporate Arizona — and with the trickle down effect has p—ed all over the people of Arizona.
The night before Medea and Jodie engaged in a free speech act at Palin’s speech.
Here you can see real journalistic news coverage of the act of free speech:
A very Republican friend of mine summarized his reaction to the free speech engaged in by Liz and Nancy last night during the McCain speech after I distributed a URL to AP coverage of my pink sisters that lands at a video of the event near the spot on the page where the speech act is accessible under the heading “Protest….” I find it interesting that I couldn’t link directly to the proper video. Oh well.
“I KNEW it. You CodePinksters are a resourceful, albeit deeply irritating (but that is the point, after all, isn’t it?) lot!
Though I disagree with your group’s policy prescriptions, I am glad to see someone was able to penetrate the unconstitutional barriers to free speech both parties erected on the pretext of security concerns. I only wonder why Code Pink did not crash the love fest at Mile High Stadium, also, or did they but went unheard in such a massive, outdoor venue?”
You can see that Pinksters interupt Obama too in the video immediately above.
CODEPINK actions at the RNC on Flickr.
I believe the Make Out Not War action best captured the spirit of CODEPINK – presenting the other side of the coin per the war in and occupation of Iraq in a non-violent jester inspired manner that can even make people laugh until they stop and think deeply about the action — then tears are likely.
Things were not quite as peachy for journalists engaging in what is supposed to be doubly protected reporting through free speech acts instances of free speech acts. Amy Goodman was arrested when asking to speak to a police officer in charge so as to find out where the cops in Darth Vader suits had taken two of her producers they had arrested. I recommend watching the entire program to get a feel for the abuse of power that went on throughout the entire RNC. Amy Goodman got the most attention of the group but several other journalists were detained, arrested, and charged with very serious misdemeanors or felonies.
If you don’t have time to watch the entire video — go to the end so you can see a reporter summarize another event where the police were way out of line to begin with… but then exaccerbated the situation by rounding up the journalists too.
This doesn’t even begin to cover the huge number of other outrageous acts instigated by the police. Here are links to just a few.
Pepper spray directed directly and purposesively into the eyes of a photojournalist.
From the blogosphere, Pam’s House Blend covers the situation well.
Here’s the photo of police abuse of a protester that got the photographer arrested. This could have broken the protester’s neck or crushed his throat.
More than 50,000 have already signed on to a petition delivered today to St. Paul City Hall to have charges against journalists dropped.
Photography is not a crime discussion on flickr is worth checking out. So is this about photographer’s rights.
And then there are the hundreds of arrests that even CNN finds used questionable tactics as well as pre-emptive search and seizures.
And then there was the arrest of a photographer last week at the DNC who took a pic of a democratic honcho and some big donors who was arrested — that must have been a warm up.
Wouldn’t it be tragic if the lawsuit awards exceeded $10,000,000?
The RNC agreed to pay $10 million to cover their illegal police tactics, but if it exceeds that amount then St. Paul would have to pay.
That would be a shame, because the city leaders would be kicked out by the bankrupted voters.
And, maybe this wouldn’t happen so often!
All 800 of you that were tortured with handcuffs and suffered nerve damage and trauma should get a million each!
That would be a real protest.
I called the mayor’s office in St. Paul, and the deputy mayor, and said that I would not travel to St. Paul, and would tell organizations of which I’m a member to boycott St. Paul, until there’s an investigation into the police storm trooper tactics.
Any suggestions as to what else I can do?
Chris, I don’t know WTF to do. I’m probably not the best commentator to ask either. People can’t even link to my blog on Huffington Post. I’m banned for profanity. I’ve actually been wondering what to do too. Make sure you passport is in order — first. I think we need to be vocal and step up our attempts to wake up the masses who are swayed by the rhetoric of the radical right — that means letters to the editor, talking to people on the street, postering, freeway blogging, anything you are comfortable with, and some things that push the comfort zone. And I also think we need to plan some gatherings for November 5th — no matter what the outcome of the elections. Celebration or revolution? Hum….
Anonymous, I understand your frustration and reaction. I am not one to press for litigation. It seems to do little other than line the pockets of attorneys. IMHO,the people need to rise up *before* govt and insurance companies attempt to offset any monetary win the injured parties might achieve.
But I’m with you in spirit!