No matter how I answer the question that is the title of this post, I am dizzy.
I knew this month, March, would be busy due to my decision to feature other women’s writings about women all month long on the Women’s Legacy Project. This took a bit of planning, procedure development, and a whole lotta learning on my part. It was so worth it. I will write more about the nuts and bolts of it, and about the wonderful aspects of curation of this type… but now I need to bitch… about how I overextended myself.
I have developed a mantra of sorts, “Enough for the good, not too much for the bad… om mani padme hum…”
Most of the time I do try to be gracious and compassionate, even towards myself. But occasionally I have to do a palm plant on my forehead and just beat myself up for a second or two. I know it is not healthy, but I do it anyway. I file it under laughing at myself, and that is a good thing, right?
If you have read my blog before you know that I live, fairly successfully, with depression. Managing the chemical beast that is my internal imbalance is actually fairly easy when I am not stressed and am accomplishing things. (My poor husband has never figured out that, for me, housework is not an accomplishment… just drudgery.) Maintaining a pace that is accomplished but not stressful rival the feats of the best juggling acts on 60s variety TV shows.
My WLP Women’s History Month, Her Story project was not too much for my ever so delicate limbic and endocrine disposition. Neither were any of the other things that transpired this month! I’m fine. I’m doing great. I just didn’t have quite enough stamina to get through the monthly Tucson Women Blogger organizing, my writing, and being an occasionally sociable life partner.
No, I had to spend one weekend at the Tucson Festival of Books, #TFOB16, I had to! It is the best book fare anywhere. Period. Finé. But it is so filled with talks, publisher booths, authors, books, and kindred spirits that two full days of sitting, walking/running to the next event, and talking, talking, talking flies by in a whirl.
And I wanted to support my Hubster who was nervous about a lay presentation. It was endearing to see how this neuro – pharma – brainiac was concerned about how a lay talk would go. He did great.
My graduate advisor/mentor was in town for a few days. Wonderful. Delightful. Reconnecting and connecting at new levels.
Old friend from college days was also in town for a few days. So much happening. A blur of goodness.
Thank you Nancy for this insightful and smart post. How to feel satisfied with accomplishment and just be while saying yes to Life’s enriching choices with substance is tough to balance. You have created a special place to do just that!
Focus on the Bindu XO Jilly