Okay, NABLOPOMO was not a success this time around. Once I started feeling better, breathing is a wonderful thing, I realized I had so much stuff to do! So my blogging every day here in June sort of like, well, failed. But I have a pantry now! Imagine me doing a happy dance, let your mind fill with pictures of celebration, as those are the only types of pics of me you will get to see. I’ve lost 10 lbs. since mid-May but it is going to take several more tens of lbs. to make me want to post pics of myself. But I do have pics to share with you.
First, the “before” and I need to attach a content warning. They are scary!

And the view of the room from the kitchen. Yech.
I did a really good job of emptying out the room, TSP-ing every surface in the room in prep. Hubby did an amazing job of re-plumbing the old washer drier hook-up into a modern version ready to go hook-up in case anyone ever wants to put a washer drier out there again. Hubby and I both did a really good job of demolition, and a good job of spackling, up to a point. That point was when Zilla decided her poor old decrepit parents were not doing it right so she took over while I was down and drugged from my septoplasty and she spackled and sanded for days, which drove Hubby bonkers but he was headed out of town for a conference shortly after my surgery anyway so there wasn’t much he could do.
So, Zilla and I finished off the room except for the trim around the doors and floor. We will put all the trim in at the same time we install that sort of trim in several rooms that we tiled a couple years ago. I still have to put up curtains too, but I have to hem them first.
Finishing off the room included: lots of measuring to see what would fit, spackling, paint prep., priming, painting one wall and ceiling yellow, one wall green, and two walls blue. It also included getting shelves for above the door storage of Christmas ceramics and linens.

So I did not get posting done every day this month. But I did gain a pantry. I’m happy.
I’m Done Nesting
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