I still love find new things to discover, learn about, experience, do. But new patterns are harder to develop than they once were. I have friends who are aging into an older age than the one I am in. Being older is new for me. I am trying to learn how to do it properly. Properly for me. We all carry our own normal inside. At least I do. I try to never allow normal to exist outside myself. That would be someone else’s normal.
I will never find this gun toting society to be normal. I will never find that hate, or trying to take rights away from people, to be normal.

I am hopeful though, the upcoming generation along with many of the millennials are taking to the streets and state houses. I find his to be heartening. There is a new generation of leaders coming on who believe in working together, in governing to make our civil society better for all. Safe, secure, health-focused, and transparent.
Justin Pearson, and Justin Jones, Representatives in the TN legislature, and Maxwell Frost, a U.S. Representative in the U.S. Legislature are the the tip top of a wave of young, diverse, change-makers who are eloquent, intelligent, and determined to act for the good of all in governance at all levels, and in places where strength and courage are needed just to stand up and be counted.
We can never go back to any previous state of affairs. Life just doesn’t work that way. We can enhance and re-mold existing society, and we can sculpt new behaviors. We must strive to live positively without a fear focus. Medicine, science, and accurate histories build from replicability, documented, and referenced knowledge.
We must strive to a new normal that is built on networked knowledge more that networked corporate interests.
The earth is changing and will reach a new equilibrium. If we want to be a part of the earth’s ecosystem, we have to work with the earth to nudge the new balance toward one we can live in and with.
N in #AtoZ2023 New Normal
I don’t have a lot of hope that today’s youth are going to change everything.
We did all this in the 1960s and it slip slid right into this.
Gives me a resigned feeling. New Normal? Same ol’ same ol’.
When I saw one Tennessee Justin preachin’ it and the other Justin with a raised fist and saying, “Power to the People,” well it took me back. I like to visualize an expanding 3D spiral. If I look at it from one plane it just looks like back and forth, but seeing it from further away we can see that is like a spiral cone. The back and forth is real, but as we circle around we never revisit the same place. We progress but it is slow.
Some scary things happening right now. But there are glimmers of hope and I think young people are definitely part of that.
Stacey, Young people appear to be picking up where 60s political activism. I hope.
I think some changes prompted by the 60’s are so much a part of our culture now that we do not even consciously realize how different things were 60 years ago. To name a few: mainstream acceptance of organic food. Alternative medicine going mainstream. Farmer’s markets. Women wearing pants at office jobs. Help wanted ads not divided into male and female. Increased acceptance of researching medical uses of cannabis and psychedelics. I am cautiously optimistic about the energized young people entering politics but it’s going to be a long road for them.
Yes, a long road, I admit I did not quite believe that so much repression of women would return. I thought we would fight back sooner but I didn’t know how regressive so much of the country was.
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