twitter as a support tool
gives reg. folks undeniable voice and reach.
it’s been fun too
celebs and pol. change. –
how to reach nonpolitical folks — what political social networking tools — harry potter & sirius black – dumbledors army —- dumbledoors army in the real world
myspace —bands — wizards rock the vote —
“voldemore can’t stop the rock”
love of a mother for her child is the greatest force
36 million women on line and blogging and they are talking about politics
mommy bloggers aren’t just about potty training
twittering…. facebook…
streaming netroots blogher and live from the web and twittering
reflexivity on reflexivity
fractal communication
darfur tibet myamar/burma….. allow supportive action and giving
all this intersects.
we need to become the traditional media and have it take a back seat
world domination