Rats desert sinking ships and Rep. Jim Kolbe announcing his retirement today may be the first of a wave of Republican rats leaving the U.S. Legislature before the Culture of Corruption capsizes the entire Hill.
I don’t think Republicans are the only corrupt individuals in Washington — however, I do feel there is a significant difference between Republicans and Democrats that many folks have forgotten about. Republicans are the big money party of the corporations. They are the ones who think that a “Free Market” solves all problems.
Democrats used to be for the little guys, the regular Janes and Joes who work all their lives to have their pensions stolen by corporate maneuverings and have no safety net ’cause it was their kids who did the fighting in the wars to protect and expand the interests of government connected corporations. Republicans are big on the representaive part of our representive democracy. Democrats are big on the democratic part of our representative democracy.
MoveOn.org is wondering who should replace Jim Kolbe. I hope many readers will select Jeff Latas and submit his name to MoveOn for support before a big money Democrat (i.e. a Republican in Democrat’s clothing.)
I know others have also announced for the race, but Francine Shacter, for instance, is a great person, but I just don’t think she can compete because of her relatively recent move to Arizona. I’ve heard over the grapevine that Latas doesn’t have enough money for the big boys in Washington to want to back him and bring him into their fold. That in and of itself makes him AOK in my book. I also hear that Ted Downing is a possible run as well. I would personally love to see every Republican in Washington ousted and all the Big Money Democrats take a hike too, and then we can replace them all with fresh representatives who still have connections to those of us they purport to represent.
Flood the Hill with Raul Grijalva clones! Well maybe not. But do check out Jeff Latas’ site.
Jim Kolbe
Jeff Latas
Culture of Corruption
AZ District 8
House Race
I think Francine Shacter is a great person and I personally wouldn’t hold her recent move to AZ against her.
She’s been active in politics and organizing her entire life and has lots of experience in forging good solutins from sometimes intractable parties. I think that sort of experience would make here a very effective legislator.
I think the people deserve someone who will listen to them and represent them. I like her because she doesn’t pretend to have all the answers and will be open to ideas and comments.
She’s very progressive, very pro-vet, concerned about the undocumented workers in the US, committed to fairness and civility.
She’s running a true grass roots campaign and I think she’d be a great representative. You can check out her website and invite to come out an talk to your group.
I think Francine Shacter is a great person and I personally wouldn’t hold her recent move to AZ against her.
She’s been active in politics and organizing her entire life and has lots of experience in forging good solutins from sometimes intractable parties. I think that sort of experience would make here a very effective legislator.
I think the people deserve someone who will listen to them and represent them. I like her because she doesn’t pretend to have all the answers and will be open to ideas and comments.
She’s very progressive, very pro-vet, concerned about the undocumented workers in the US, committed to fairness and civility.
She’s running a true grass roots campaign and I think she’d be a great representative. You can check out her website and invite to come out an talk to your group.