If it is Friday, it must be F…
Fractured Fridays, Fragmented Fridays, Forlorn Topic Fridays, Frittered Away Inspiration Fridays…. all these and more… Freakishly Funny Fridays for example… could be the hook phrase for my irregularly published Friday posts about all the things I did not get written this week and that hung out on my computer as open tabs, folders, drafts and such because I truly intended to write about them, incorporate them as a reference in a post, share the brilliance of a passing thought of mine… with world, and so on…. but that I did not manage to actually write about… until now… Ta-dah!!! And yes, these random musings, listings and posts may contain grammatically improper use of exclamation points, ellipsis, and other explicit use of frowned upon techniques and language. Deal with it!
- I really should have given the post from 6/12 a different title. Maybe I will slightly amend its title to include a subtitle such as “A Truly Special Election Day for the Tucson Community” that more accurately captures the sentiment within the post. It is a much better reflective post than the nondescript title implies, reflects, or whatever. My take on what was going through my mind as I watched the election results roll in on Tuesday is undoubtedly similar to what many, many others in my community think and feel. It was not a live blog, but it is a slice of life from an important day in Tucson and AZ District 8. I did go ahead and change the title but left the permalink the same so that previous links to the post will still work.
- I really ought to write something about visiting Gabby’s office in Washington just after her 2008 election and just before the 2011 assassination attempt.
- I really like the USPS business page. It is friendly, just like the great folks at the USPS Tucson Sun Station.
- Russell Pearce had a hard time finding a place to have a meeting. I just had to share this, somehow! 3, count ’em, 3, boots from venues in one day!
- There are some words with which I think people should acquaint or reacquaint themselves. It is impossible to understand intentions and trends if understanding of the these terms is lacking: Fascism, Feudalism / Neo Feudalism, Corporatism, Oligarchy, Plutocracy,
- Was The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy really the first documented use in popular culture of the phrase, “the whole enchilada?”
- I just realized that I haven’t completed any, none, zilch, zero, nada of the great ideas that I thought I would write about this month and that most embarrassing of all, I listed in a post last month : a) Rhetorical Tactics of the Right and how they are used in broadcast media, print media, social networking, and yes, even on wonderful sites like BlogHer, b) Why the Original Gen Xers, the Late Boomers, Could Change Everything This November, c) Framing Political Differences in Meaningful, non-hateful, ways, d )The Last Time the Fascists Planned a Coup d’ Etat, e) Disenfranchisement is Unconstitutional, f) Voter Registration: Where are the unregistered women? We need to be where they are, g) Less than Monkey-wrenching but More than Passive-resistance,h) Book review of Beautiful Trouble, i) Writing Desk (program), Logitech Accessories, and My iPad, j) Build your own Vector Graphics with inexpensive drawing/illustration programs, k) The #&@! litter box, l) More on BlogHer ’12
- How do you feel about Meet-Ups that charge a small fee to attend? How much would be okay? What would you need to get out of it? What would you expect to receive in order to get “your money’s worth?”
Well I guess that is it for today. I am starting to think about all the things I have to get done today, so I should probably go do them.
Do let me know what you thought of these bits and pieces, and whether or not you would like to see any of them expanded into actual posts.