I’m trying to figure out the theme for today’s post, Do Over is the GBE2 topic this week and I will work that in somehow, but I also want to post on the general topic of social media and how and why I the various forms of it that I do. In keeping with the NaBloPoMo monthly theme of Relative, I will throw in some thoughts on that topic, too. And I will probably work in a topic I’ve wanted to bitch about for quite some time. And I will do all of this while cleaning house and doing laundry. Am I amazing, or what?
There are no do overs in life. Sometimes we are offered the chance of doing something again, but it is never and can never be the same thing. The context, time, our attitudes, and the experience we bring to it, whatever it may be, will have changed everything. At the same time I sometimes wish there were such things as do overs, or at least I wish so until I realize that everything, truly everything, would change.
My favorite movie is Kapra’s It’s A Wonderful Life; that is closely followed by Kurosawa’s Rashomon. Both were made well before I was born. Life’s “truths” have been around for ages it seems. These movies are nothing alike on the surface, but they are both very much alike when it comes to being an movies that intimately examine perspective and “truth.” Maybe in a game of marbles there can be do overs, but nothing else in life allows it, and I wouldn’t want there to be. However that is not to say I do not have regrets. I never, ever will say that I have no regrets. The two people I have heard say that phrase specifically to me in private conversation are both dead. One died of cancer he probably could have prevented, the other died without a doubt by his own hand. Death will always be associated with, “No regrets.” It is what people say before they die, at least it is for me.
There are things I wish that both I and others had not done or had done differently. But I will never know what else in my life outside of that tiny, narrow window of regret might come undone. Good things that I cherish might not have come to be on another timeline in an alternate universe. In my lifetime thus far I have managed to do and produce good things, a few at least, that make a difference in the world. What more could I ask for? Nothing.
I know I will never understand what other people truly think and feel, I know I will never know truth, I know that my perspective will always differ from every other individual who has ever lived. But this does not make me feel lonely, or wish for do overs, or a different universe. Every day I marvel that we can communicate at all given all the differences that exist in the world. I continue to look for what we share and not how we differ. It is all relative. We are all the centers of our own perceptual worlds. The fun is in expanding from that center and in finding similarity. Sure, I’ve made mistakes. No I wouldn’t want a do over.
Part Two – Tomorrow: Do Overs and Social Media.
Great post. I must agree.
Yep, I think ya got it just right!♥
Well said.
Thanks all!
Good ending!
Can I ask why you feel you will never know truth? That seems such a sweeping statement, yet surely we all know truths in one form or another?
Yep, you are amazing. ;O)
I think we all know truth. Maybe not the same one that another knows, but truth, nonetheless.
Brilliantly said and written!
I'm a relativist. Contest can and does illuminate the same scene differently. Truth gets people in trouble. People fight and die over "truths." The truth of youth fades, and many of us find that truth is something that resides inside a heart, with as many truths in the world as their are hearts. These days far too many people are confusing truth with their beliefs. That is dangerous. Those are some of the reasons.
Personal truth is okay by me! Someone else trying to impose their truth on me is a very different story! Tolerance is the truth I like best. 😉