I have arrived! Well, sort of.
I am here at the 10th annual BlogHer Conference. And I think I am connected. Wired. Tuned in and ready for most things.
There are important people here who know me. Grace Hwang Lynch said, “Hi Nancy!” I couldn’t remember her name I was so floored that she knew my name. Political Editor at BH. What a time to have a brain fart!
Elisa is a sweetie who convinced me at Wordcamp Phoenix that I am not a nobody. She actually was insulted that I thought she would not know me. She didn’t say this. I read her micro-momentary expressions. Oh my Goddess I thought, “Now I’ve done it – I insulted one of the co-founders of BlogHer. ”
Lisa said, “Hi Nancy, I was thinking ‘Who is that Brunette?'” She knew I changed my hair color.” Wow, two of the co-founders know my name… and hair color.
And I know people. Jan, Mimi, Chloe…
And I have friends here. Real friends. There are people who want to meet me! There are people I don’t know who read my blog.
I’m gonna bawl all over the page if I’m not careful.
I may not be famous, or a speaker, or a brand, or a media company, but I am a writer and these women are my tribe.
And I think I am having a clarifying experience at this BlogHer. I think my ability and passion are starting to align.
You are someone Nancy (& your voice matters!) and not everyone who reads you is at BlogHer’14. Just sayin’!
Almost forgot…have a fabulous time!
I am. Thanks!
I wish you were here Phoebe! I met Sandra Fluke today. So many amazing women! But there are many who are missing! I do know my voice matters. But thank you for reminding me. Sometimes in crowds where measuring oneself by cash or fame is the norm… or when self questioning takes over… our perspective skews. But I remember that I have friends/readers who are part of a woman’s network that is good and powerful.
It was so nice talking to you on Thursday! Hope the rest of your weekend was great.
It was great talking to you too! Wish you could have attended the entire conference!