Okay, right up front – this post revolves around #BlogHer16. Every year that I am fortunate enough to be able to attend this conference, I try to write something in preparation before heading out to the conference. I am writing it here this year as WLP would not exist without BlogHer. Allow me to explain.
I joined the BlogHer online community, under the user name of ArtPax in 2006, and started planning to attend that same year – but as I say in my capsulized story of the personally turbulent time, “I wanted to stay married,” so I did not attend in 2006. By 2007 I was in Indiana taking care of my mother in her home so she could transition from this life.
BlogHer was in Chicago that year, just after Mom’s funeral, so I decided to attend. It was a wonderful, and much needed, experience that allowed me to integrate a positive and forward looking perspective back into my life. At some point I started using my own name to post.
When SheKnows Media came into the picture, I developed a third associated identity under my first and last name. This last one is associated with a SheKnows account. When I returned to my home in Arizona, I had turned 50, my mother was gone, and my daughter was in college. My whole life had re-0rganized itself, without my overt permission. Within a year, posting once a week was more than I could do, and I was dropped from their publishing and advertising network. My online presence and identity expanded, but posting on a personal blog diminished in importance. I was changing. Blogging was changing. And BlogHer changed too.
I’ve followed the changes in BlogHer for quite a while. I attended BlogHer Conferences in 2007, 2008, 2011 (two BlogHer conferences that year,) 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Without the influence of the BlogHer Community and Conferences I would not be connected with the amazing, intelligent, eloquent group of midlife bloggers and businesswomen, online and digital writers, that I count as a very important part of my life that has brought me to a place where I am developing the concept of the Women’s Legacy Project for you, for me, for all of us.
I am writing about my overall experience with BlogHer to provide context for the next article that will look at what BlogHer is today. I also will cover the path I have watched it take to its current corporate incarnation.
Yippee Nancy!
I am so excited for you and can not wait to hear more about your next adventure.
You are going to have so much fun and meet so many amazing women!
Would it not be magnificent next year to have a whole Tucson chapter? WOOSH!
Love you, go girl!