Geesh, where to start? Sometimes try as we might to live a good life, think good thoughts, to love, and to be positive forces in the world, things in our lives become difficult and it seems like our path in life is stagnating or straying from the way we would like it to proceed. I […]
Planned Parenthood Blog Carnival. I'm telling my story.
This post is cross-posted from my blog, Build Peace, which is participating in a blog carnival today organized by two Hoosier-based blogs, What Tami Said and Shakesville in support of Planned Parenthood which as you know is under siege from Right Wing extremists. Check out the Blog Carnival here. My story of interaction with Planned […]
Doctors, Gyms, and Computer Programs
In May they told me that I had diabetes because my blood tests showed a 7.5 on a scale that measures long term “sugar.” I haven’t wanted to dive into figuring out all the jargon though I should. I’m not measuring short term “sugar.” I am convinced that by next year I will be in […]
Independence Day by Candlelight with Explosives
I spent way too much time on Facebook catching up on my game playing yesterday, before our power went out during the very powerful monsoon yesterday afternoon. I enjoy pointing and clicking. I think it actually fills a need I have positive reinforcement. It is not that my life is lacking in rewards, it is […]
Booming BlogHer Batman!
Hey Folks, I was at #BlogHer11 in San Diego (yes, this is a hashtag to use on Twitter) from August 4 thru 6 then took a week off to figure out a stay sane plan for the coming semester. No, I have not gone back to school. My husband is taking a sabbatical this semester […]
U.S. Late-Boomers are the Last Generation Living to Remember When Choice Became Legal
As a Late Boomer I’m telling my story. This post is cross-posted from my blog, Build Peace, which is participating in a blog carnival today organized by two Hoosier-based blogs, What Tami Said and Shakesville in support of Planned Parenthood which, as you know, is under siege from Right Wing extremists. Check out the Blog […]