Oh I wish I had time to write the way I would like to write. The coming Holidays, my 21 year old’s graduation from university, her birthday, my husband’s 35 year old daughter, her husband who is adapting to have a prosthetic lower leg, and their twin 1 year old daughters, and her birthday all […]
Discovering the Truth About Christmas Treats
I miss the taste of the sweet treats of the season. I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in May of this year, so this is the first Christmas season without sugar. Sigh. I’m lucky though, I can control the disease with diet and exercise and Metformin. I don’t have to do the daily blood […]
My rough notes from Captain Mark Kelly's Talk Tonight.
Waiting for the talk by Cpt. Mark Kelly to start on the U of A campus. The talk is sponsored by the Tucson Festival of Books. My husband is p.o.ed that the Arizona Daily Star had the first 12 rows reserved for “VIPs.” The event was to start at 7:30 p.m. with everyone in their […]
Buying a Certified Used Vehicle – Part 2
The saga of the car purchase by my darlin’ little daughter continued over the last few days and reached a new resolution today. And you thought it ended last Thursday when she signed the papers. Wrong. Much to our surprise on Friday when we picked up the car from our trusted mechanic after he had […]
Baking with Stevia
Today I began experimenting with how to bake with stevia. Unfortunately I am out of eggs and butter. The Stevia in the Raw that I used had printed instructions saying that I could use it like sugar 1 to 1. I just make a no egg cakey sweet bread with whole wheat flour, a bit […]
Empty Nester? I Don't Feel Empty.
Weekends are free writing times which means there are no official themed prompts published for those of us participating in NaBloPoMo. So I have decided to rework something written ages ago when I fist thought of starting this blog. I have not felt empty since I gave birth to my lovely little bird who, in […]