This won't be a long post. I'm too tired. My right knee hurts and my left foot hurts. Whine, bitch, moan.
I finally made it back to the gym to start using the vast amount of personal training sessions I have accumulated over the last year. Don't get me started on the scam that is “membership” at a gym. I have been taken by every gym I've ever “joined” except the all women one that apparently went under. They all have some sort of scam, outrageous fineprint, or hidden facility problem. So the last time my daugher and I joined up I swore that no matter how pissed off Fang got I would not allow him to bully me into quitting to save money.
My actual monthly fees are incredibly low due to a join back offer I got a few years ago. I love doing weights after I get a routine going. And I love reading on the eliptical cross-trainer, it is about the only time I have to read. So…it will be good. And I'm working with a personal trainer who happens to be female. I just don't need any testosterone around when I'm sweating, and flushed… and… in public. Private is quite another matter, thank you very much. So I am happy so far. The lockers and shower area is pretty spiff too. And the daycare is great when my step daughter and her twins are in town.
Just don't ask me why I have so many hours of personal training accumulated! I don't want to talk about that. Using the trainer to get me started off in a good routine is worth it. I have to reduce my weight a bit because I don't want to become diabetic again and the weight is easy to put back on now that I no longer have to take Metformin, but if I don't keep the weight down, then I might have to start the Metformin again. Vicious, evil cycle.
But anyway, I think my left foot is sore because I'm favoring my right knee and putting too much weight on my left foot as I exercise. My knee hurts because Miss Daisy tried to take my kneecap off when she went after a lizard while we were on a walk a few days ago. It didn't hurt much until after I worked out today. My foot started hurting a few hours after the workout. Aging is not for sissies, and that is why I'm back to working out regularly again.
Anyway, wish me luck and determination.
Good luck to you sister!!! Amen to your comment about aging not being for sissies ~ and neither is menopause!!!! lol
Anyway, I am pulling for you 100%. Stand firm lady, and stay away from the dreaded “D” word! I will be doing my workout in the middle of my living room…maybe we can encourage one another;0)
Thanks Deb! I am feeling a bit better today. Core is sore and that is good. Yes! Let’s encourage each other!!! Do you tweet? If not I will just have to put a Huff and Puff section on the new site. The to do list on the new site grows ever longer. I thought it was supposed to get shorter. ALWAYS love hearing from you!