This weekend was a mish-mash of feelings and reactions.
A war started. Horrific atrocities against civilians. Mind-numbing and soul crushing but I had to put that behind me so I could focus on a legal matter that had been weighing on me since my mother’s death in 2007.

I signed off on the acceptance of a purchase offer for the remaining part of my parent’s farm that was still in the family. The buyers have a while to get the funding finalized, but it should all be a done deal in about a month. I am so relieved. The past two years have been distracting and stressful as I had to file a complaint partition against distant relations by marriage and some closely related family as there was no agreement on selling the property or buying me out. It is not fun to burn bridges connecting family.
As soon as I filed my copy of the signed contract an image of my mother and father flashed through my mind and the tears began flowing. The tears were not tears of sadness. Just tears of relief, finally there was closure. Closure for me of the legal hassles, but also the closure of wrapping up the ties to my parents’ land. In a way it was the last good-bye to them.

I think I am getting a Medicare problem resolved too. That also happened at the end of last week.
Deep breaths and big sighs.
I know that something has changed in my psyche as today I spent a fair amount of time thinking of legacy craft projects I will do after not having moved to start them for the last many years.
There will be much more about these in the near future. I have most of the tools I need, and there are hand-me-downs that I would like make another life for as art. Creativity returns.
Family can be a support or it can cause of some of the most stressful situations we can imagine. It is hard to burn family bridges even when it’s distant family. I hope better and happier times are ahead for you.
The relief was wonderful. It did not make all the stress worth it. But the reconnection with energy enough for creativity was so needed, and I am thankfulthat was how my brain responded.
I can imagine it’s a real relief to get those things done.
Yes! And I should have more time for the things that I love.