Yes, we all remember 9/11. I do not want to diminish how we speak of it and remember that horrible day and the many unfortunate things that came out of it. But I remember everything, no matter what. I remember my the date of my parent’s wedding anniversary, old boyfriend’s birthdays, the dates my pets died. I remember things I don’t want to remember or have no use for or reason to remember. So today, I am trying to obscure the date of September 11th for myself, so that other things pop up instead of the New York tragedy. The only thing I’ve been able to have reliably co-appear in my mind with the recognition of this date so far is the birthday of Christina Taylor Green who was born September 11, 2001 and died, in Tucson, on January 8th 2011.
It is mid-day after posting this, and I want to add a link the beautiful piece written by the neighbor who just wanted to take her young friend to meet her Congresswoman. Her blog post: Happy Birthday CTG
Photo credit: kconnors from
But from many sources around the net, see the links at the bottom of this post, I have collected a bunch of September 11 events that have nothing to do with planes and the twin towers.
Peace-related Events
Sep 11th – Benjamin Franklin writes “There never was a good war or bad peace”
1906 – Mahatma Gandhi coins the term “Satyagraha” to characterize the Non-Violence movement in South Africa.
U.S. History
1609 – Explorer Henry Hudson sailed into New York harbor and discovered Manhattan Island and the Hudson River.
Sep 11, 1851: The Christiana Riot in Lancaster County Pennsylvania which foreshadowed Civil War strife
1857 – Mountain Meadows Massacre, Mormons dressed as Indians murder 120 colonists in Utah
1897 – A ten-week strike of coal workers in Pennsylvania, WV, and Ohio came to an end. The workers won and eight-hour workday, semi-monthly pay, and company stores were abolished.
1990 – U.S. President Bush vowed “Saddam Hussein will fail” while addressing Congress on the Persian Gulf crisis. In the speech Bush spoke of an objective of a new world order – “freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace”.
September 11 Birthdays
Brian DePalma 1940
Mickey Hart (Grateful Dead) 1943
Leo Kottke 1945
Obscure Boomer Music History from September 11
1963 – “The Great White Wonder” first appears in a record store in Los Angeles, CA. The “bootleg” of Bob Dylan songs is believed to be the first bootleg album.
1977 – David Bowie and Bing Crosby recorded a duet version of “The Little Drummer Boy.” The song appeared on Crosby’s “Merrie Olde Christmas” LP.
1996 – David Bowie’s single “Telling Lies” was released exclusively on the Internet. It was the first time a new single by a major selling artist was released exclusively on the Internet.
History for September 11 –
September 11 Events in History
Blood flowed first at Christiana Riot | Lancaster County and the Civil War –
I also wrote about September 11 and what eases my heart is celebrating the beauty of mankind in times like that. I really enjoyed your alternative universe post, via NaBloPoMo. Thank you for sharing!
Rose 🙂
I’m headed over to your post right now. I need to hear about uplifting things at times of remembrance. Thanks.