“Isn’t what?” you might ask. “Isn’t a tips list…” is my theoretical reply.
I love lists. I’m trying to use them again. They fell by the wayside in transition from paper to digital organization, or switch to digital lack of organization would be a better description. I’m resurrecting paper lists for myself and we will see how it goes. But for now I’m NOT creating a BlogHer Preparations list that could be used by anyone else! Am I?
Mine includes:
- Dig underneath the stack of papers on the table in my office that was going to be my desk, after my desk filled up with stacks of papers, and find cards from the great bloggers I have previously met at annual and topical BlogHer conferences. Remove sleeping cat first.
- Do not succumb to frugality and cancel the massage you wisely scheduled for yourself three weeks ago so you will at least be relaxed before you lock yourself in a car with The Hubby for three days so as to get to location for the shared part of my upcoming travels — the pre-BlogHer part.
- Send proposal for sponsorship out to remaining PR firms, even though these will be unnecessary because the perfect sponsor to whom you already submitted a proposal will be calling to accept the proposal and give you gazillions of dollars.
- Write a blog post about how there is a LOT more work behind securing corporate sponsorship for attending BlogHer than just tweeting about it. Like having something to offer the sponsors that distinguishes you from every other Thomasina, Dickette, and Harriet B. Blogger.
- Find clothes to wear to BlogHer that are not frayed or stained or more than 10 years old.(lLook under bed, in out of season closets, and in piles of “clean” clothes in chairs that have not been put away for a couple weeks.) Wash them if at all possible. Fold neatly; you know you won’t iron them so don’t even beat yourself up about it, just fold neatly.
- Find camera, camera phone, iPad, iPod, and any and all other tech needed for blogging, tweeting, taking notes, taking pictures… and all the cords that these devices need to work, charge, or communicate with other pieces of equipment. Replace batteries and pack extras, if needed. Test all equipment, cords, and batteries.
- Pack separate suitcases and boxes for different legs of trip – Hubby’s reunion, my visit to the kid, train travel, BlogHer. For things need to be used in more than one location, label storage bag with what needs to be put in the bag before that leg of the trip and put it in the appropriate suitcase. Remember to check the suitcase and bag before heading out on that leg.
- Have business cards printed and ship them to location along the way. Do not wait until the last minute and have to print stupid looking home printed ones like you always do.
- Check out all the blogs of people you are likely to run into at BlogHer so you can seem like you are an active follower of their blog.
I must be the only person who has to do lists that look like this.
LOVE IT! I’m looking forward to that post about securing corporate sponsorship! As BlogHer nears, there are many things I wish I knew back when I registered that I know now! Hopefully I will be more prepared next year!
I say that every year when I finally get around to preparing for BlogHer. There is always more to learn, know, catch on too and so on. Plus BlogHer in all her forms is evolving right along with the concept of new media that no one really understands, and don’t believe anyone who tells you something different from that. 🙂
Lol I laughed from top to bottom
This was so creative. I don’t gave a sponsor for fees because I live here Nd only pd an early bird fee
Now next year is another story!
I do have a co offering to send me with free swag to promote so that’s kinda cool
I’m really pleased that I have brought laughter into the world. That is one of the really great things in life, plus sometimes when you get people laughing, well, they pee their pants, and that is really funny, too, in a rather sicko sort of way. 🙂 Anyway, I am only really doing BlogHer “professionally” – hm… not sure that sounds right either… this year. I feel like it has taken me several years to really catch on to how to market myself, I think I will have some swag myself, if I can get them to ship it to the hotel, and – if it all works out I will have some sort of sponsorship. Will not have my one bag be a bunch of stuff to give away to other people! Hope we can meet at the Hilton. That sounds so cool. I rarely get to say stuff like that.