Don’t believe the wire reports from the Washington D.C. march– their tens of thousands should read 100s of thousands. The entire Mall was packed from Third Street to the Washigton monument. Once the march started and encircled the Capitol on all four sides before the last marchers had even started, you know that it was at least a half a million people. The Washington Post revised its count at least once already from tems of thousands to hundreds of thousands.
The CODEPINK rally before the UFPJ rally had at least 3000 folks and probably lots more… but the Washington Post and all the other papers taking their lead from them presented an image of equal ranks of protestors and counter protesters. The Pink supporters numbered in the thousands, and the super conservative “counter” protesters numbered around a couple dozen. The paper gave the impression of equal amounts.
Please tell your papers and local media that you are sick and tired of deceptive “reporting” and that you expect accurate and truthful reporting and the current standards are far from this standard.
More on the speakers at the rallies when I blog tomorrow.
Keep talking to us Nancy. You are there for all of us.