IT IS GOING TO BE A BEAUTIFUL, COLORFUL TRIP with things we’ll do and that you can watch me either accomplish or not accomplish — so you can feel happy for me or enjoy some schadenfreude.
Heartbleed and Your Blog Security
A massive security bug in Open SSL has left more than half of the internet’s site vulnerable to data breaches. Here I share one suggestion for finding out if you blog is safe.
Vigilance Is Your Best Security Option When Using WordPress
V is for Vigilant vigilant |ˈvijələnt| adjective keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties Yesterday I began talking about security through the routine installation of upgrades. This is probably the biggest single thing you can do to secure your self-hosted WordPress site. You need to be vigilant about upgrades to any software you use […]
10 Things Lists – Should Content Be Organized This Way?
A “10 Things” List is a popular structure for online content and print magazine articles. But why 10? The Arabic number system we use is based on units of 10. We have 10 fingers. These are the answers I’ve most often gotten in response to this question. But when we organize content, is there a […]
I Love GIMP and Art Text!
I really have to sing the praises of two graphics programs that I use all the time. The first is open source and wonderful! The second is inexpensive and does just about everything for me for upscale tweaking of logos, buttons, and icons. Today I made this ad with the use of them both. The […]