The war on women is real and it is being waged on many fronts. The Invisible War is a documentary exposing the systemic coverup of the rape of U.S. military women by U.S. service members. There is something very, very wrong with our military. I suspect it is related to being “all volunteer” when it […]
Media Excises Deep and Murky Context in Pan Am Bomber Story.
Today’s ‘featured” news story is on the release of a man from Libya by the Scottish Government from a prison where he was sentenced to serve a life sentence. The man has cancer and is expected to die within 3 months. We know he was convicted for blowing up a transcontinental flight. My problem with […]
Visualization of the Scale of Death in Iraq
The Faces of Death I happened to look up this morning as I was glancing over the smarmy chosen few purportedly “news” stories being touted by the corporate media and saw this accidental imagery on my husband’s computer screen. I asked him to do a screen capture and send it to me. It doesn’t show […]
Shame in Tucson
Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58, a Jesuit priest, were each sentenced on Wednesday, October 17th to five months in federal prison. Their crime? Attempting to deliver a letter opposing the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. The priests are now in prison. Common Dreams describes the offense thusly: […]