I wish things were different than they are, but all things considered, H. R. Clinton did an admirable job tonight at the DNC. I wish I could have supported a woman. I wish I could have supported Clinton. But her stance on the war made that impossible. At least it was good to see that […]
Rice Is A War Criminal
The campaign to get the Presidential Candidates to call for Rice’s resignation is one of best moves I’ve seen made on the public stage in quite some time. Rice chaired the meetings that explicitly designed and outlined torture procedures to be used on terrorism suspects. I am personally outraged that individuals committed war crimes without […]
Where Torture Leads Us
Recently in the English speaking world we have begun to talk about torture as though it is some distasteful cultural oddity that can be discussed, legislated, and most importantly swept under the carpet by decent people. I hear American people talking about whether torture is “worth it;” whether the information gained from such means is […]
McCain 180 Degrees on Torture
John McCain switches and votes FOR TORTURE. What else is he willing to do to get elected, or to please his corporate handlers once elected? There is no telling is there? The poor man was tortured for 6-7 years in a N. Vietnamese prison camp. It is not his fault, but anyone who has undergone […]
Shame in Tucson
Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58, a Jesuit priest, were each sentenced on Wednesday, October 17th to five months in federal prison. Their crime? Attempting to deliver a letter opposing the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. The priests are now in prison. Common Dreams describes the offense thusly: […]
Last evening, Tuesday evening, the women in the Pink House were fortunate to have an opportunity to speak with an informed source about the first person witness accounts of the true conditions in Guantanamo that this person has seen during visits to the base. The horrors continue.There is a feeling among those who go to […]