I had written quite a bit, about Wonder Woman for the W post, but like some earlier entries, I held off on publication, and am glad I did. I still adore the concept of a wonder woman, not to be confused with a superwoman, but a concept I love even more is the concept of […]
George Bailey and I Changed the World
A prompt in this month’s NaBloPloMo challenge involves writing about collective service actions and whether you feel you have changed the world. The actual challenge (for tomorrow, but who is looking at the calendar anyway) is: Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, […]
Absolutes in Transition
In this series of posts that I began yesterday I am looking at this past week’s significant newsworthy developments with an eye toward what crucial and competing cultural processes are at work in the world today and what they might signify within our culture. These events are: the Occupy groups the outing of corrupt college […]