It is Wednesday, so it must be time to review some applications. First, though, I thought I would re-review Martha Stewart Craft Studio and the two Halloween theme packages that can be purchased as add ons to the application and initially included themes. I “purchased” the application for free as a special promotional offering when […]
App of the Week Tweek, iPhone5, iOS 6 and More
When I awoke today my heart and soul began to ache when I heard the outrage over Terry Jones promotion of a hate film had spread to Libya, and 4 diplomats and/or diplomatic staff had been killed in an attack on our embassy. This is horrible for so many reasons. But before I could even […]
Blogsy Is App of the Week
I don’t really know why it has taken me so long to try out and sing the praises of Blogsy, the multi-platform iPad blogging app. My life would have been so much easier the last couple of months had I been using it rather than the WordPress App or direct web access to the WordPress […]
Google Plus Is Essential
App of the Week – Isn’t Really an “App” While I discovered some cool iPhone and iPad apps this week, such as Reflekt, and Merriam Webster’s Scrabble Dictionary app, that I will talk about another time, I’ve been focusing on my business this week. The Done Nesting site is coming along nicely though you cannot […]