It is impossible to know how much “subconscious” energy it took to maintain my wariness associated with my concerns; but I feel lighter, less troubled now.
You must read Miriam Toews’ astonishing new novel, ‘Women Talking’
Click here to view original web page at “Women Talking,” by Miriam Toews. (Photo: Bloomsbury) Miriam Toews’ astonishing new novel, “Women Talking” (Bloomsbury, 240 pp., ★★★★ out of four), offers a reading experience to simultaneously dazzle and horrify. Toews takes as her inspiration the true case of the Bolivian “ghost rapes,” perpetrated by the […]
Remember Malala When You Vote
We are only a few days away from barbarism at any time. Take away our thin veneer of civilization by cutting off power and the technological basis of every aspect of our very complexly orchestrated lives and the result is far too often something like we saw after Katrina. But for some, there is no […]
The Many Battle Fronts of the War on Women, and The War on Women of the Front
The war on women is real and it is being waged on many fronts. The Invisible War is a documentary exposing the systemic coverup of the rape of U.S. military women by U.S. service members. There is something very, very wrong with our military. I suspect it is related to being “all volunteer” when it […]
Sexual Assault Awareness Month…
The SAAM Day of Action, observed this year on Thursday, April 3, 2008, is recognized nationally as a specific day to focus awarness on sexual violence prevention, and to do my part, I’m highlighting the intolerable acceptance of rape by U.S. mercenaries and the military and governmental institutions that shield them. KBR, yet again, appears […]
Where Torture Leads Us
Recently in the English speaking world we have begun to talk about torture as though it is some distasteful cultural oddity that can be discussed, legislated, and most importantly swept under the carpet by decent people. I hear American people talking about whether torture is “worth it;” whether the information gained from such means is […]