There is a dearth of reason in this country. I believe this lack ultimately traces to the erosion of education in our country. High School students should be able to complete the coursework in the 5th grade readers that their great, great, grandparents had to complete in order to have basic education. Completion of the […]
Election Apps
Apps of the week I'm featuring this wonderful and wacky Wednesday are all centered on the upcoming election. So just in case you would rather use a mobile app to check out what is what rather than resorting to the old-fashioned “binder full of women” approach, the app by Election Protection is the way to […]
Be Kind When People Say, "I'm So Sick of Politics" – Part 2
In this post, that is one in a series, I look at the recent social media meme of “I’m so sick of politics” and examine some of the reasons and responses why it is such a recurrent theme during the height of the campaign in a critical election that will determine whether the trajectory of […]
Deja Vu All Over Again Within The Women's Peace Movement
I am approaching the ten year mark for becoming a peace activist. That is a big chunk of my life and probably worthy of some reflection. Working with groups of women to create public messages that cannot be missed and are memorable has been a big part of my life over the last decade. I […]
Synchronicity and Hope for America Found in Arizona, Of All Places
I love the concepts of synergy, synchronicity, and the untraceable, invisible spheres of influence that are so very present with every breath in life, and that pervade every molecule in the physical world. So when things align, and I observe patterns of behavior and occurence, I pay attention. There is unfortunately a huge problem distinguishing the line between pattern recognition via intuition, and delusions of reference. Oh well, C’est la vie.
I HATE Politics, But I am JUMPing into the Fray
I live and breathe politics far more than is healthy to do. I don’t do this because I love politics. I do this because I am profoundly concerned that the wonderful idea that was our representative democracy at its inception is in peril. Peril. Real, no b.s., train is bearing down on you, and you […]