I have been observing the presence of women of a certain age on the web for quite a while. I started writing about this a couple of years ago. How “certain age” is defined varies by who is asked to define it. As I am beginning to create content and frames for different sections of […]
Deja Vu All Over Again Within The Women's Peace Movement
I am approaching the ten year mark for becoming a peace activist. That is a big chunk of my life and probably worthy of some reflection. Working with groups of women to create public messages that cannot be missed and are memorable has been a big part of my life over the last decade. I […]
The Eyes On The Ice Have It
In this second week of political theater as the Democrats prepare to take the stage after a week of Republican drama, I am thinking a lot about truth and lies. One of the things that I have seen recently that I cannot get out of my “mind’s eye” is a satellite image of the Northwest […]
You Can Register Voters On Your Website!
You can put a voter registration box on your website! Yes! Americans can register to vote through your website! Get The Code Here! I did and this is the form that was created for my website. Use it to register if you haven’t already! Or you can go to the page that has only […]
Boom-X BoomHer Bloggers
The Majority of Boomers have more in common with Gen-Xers than Stereotypical Boomers. Why? Because the last half of the Post World War II Baby Boom, temporally speaking, contains more members than the first group. I spent years writing about this. Just search the term Late Boomer and you will find my stuff, because as […]