My foremothers had gumption, as they called it back then, and made sure there was egg money.
Why write about Personal History? Because…
Throughout this month we
cover the interesting snippets of what we know about women’s culture, family culture, and local cultures that are often overlooked as worthy elements for preservation.
Personal Curation
WLP focuses on meaning not monetization. I teach women how to use social media and online platforms to tell their stories and market their businesses. I am now bringing this approach to a larger sphere of women’s lives and offering expanded access to my methods.
New WLP Section Coming Soon
Only a few of you know that I endured a childhood filled with medical abuse that must have arisen from a factitious disorder from which my mother suffered. The situation is now colloquially referred to as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. I have written about my experience for the last thirteen years, during which time I finally put all the pieces […]
Some Thoughts on Death and Mourning
My brother passed away last weekend. Roger left us forever at five minutes after midnight on Sunday November 9th, 2014. I was on my way to the All Soul’s Procession, a wonderful contemporary community sharing of celebration of people’s lives and supportive public sharing of grief when I got the news via text on Sunday night. […]