Grudges and arguments over resources can continue for thousands of years.
Iconic V: Women Are Not Weaker Vessels
I knew from the first thought of doing the challenge this year that I wanted to do the word vessel for the letter V. Women being thought of as vessels is a problematic, but common concept. I suspect it is one of the most harmful iconic visualizations of women in the world. I do not […]
Iconic S: The Sabine Women
This story that is told about Rome’s founding, formulation, and populating, and has bothered me for a long time. The story is usually called The Rape of the Sabine Women. Current attempts to make the story title less horrific has it being called The Abduction of the Sabine Women. It seems that every painter from the […]
Iconic P: Pandora Got a Bad Rap
Women get very short shrift in Greek Myth. Doomed before creation. Pandora was the first woman according to the Greek origin story. The Gods and Titans made men, and then became angry after Prometheus helped them gain fire and they became uppity. So to punish men, they created a woman, the first mortal woman, Pandora. […]