is for Paper Paper, Parchment, Papyrus Paper? It is that stuff you write on, right. Sort of. The papyrus we think of as the precursor of paper was distinct from the process of paper-making that is used today and originated in China.Papyrus was made from reeds, Cyperous Papyrus, grown in marshes at the edges of waterways in Egypt as […]
is for Letters in the A to Z of Tools for Legacy When was the last time you sat down and wrote a nice chatty letter to someone? Chances are that you may have sent a card or a note but that email, texts, or messaging via a social media platform have taken the […]
Gathering the Past for the Future
I encourage everyone to gather their past in the way that is most meaningful to them. If you want to share aspects of what you have gathered, I recommend digital sharing. A project I made a few days ago can stand alone as a Facebook post or become part of a cookbook and memoir of […]
Sunday "Free" Writing: Sensually Planning the Week
I love paper. I love bound paper. Call me kinky, but I do. I love writing too, but there is something sensual about paper. Tactile experiences vary so much when it comes to paper: hand-made, vellum, parchment, acid free, construction, lined, rain forest free, renewable source, made in the USA, OMG, just thinking about all […]