I love to meander, but I also like to get stuff done. I stay very busy, and sometimes I accomplish wonderful things, but I do so in a disorganized fashion. In a never-ending quest to have my life be tidy, sensuously-hued, and easy to navigate (like decorating magazine image of shiny, sparse homes) as well […]
Autumnal Equinox – Calm Before the Storm
I have always loved the ways the words “autumnal equinox” roll off my tongue. Three syllables each, vowel heavy, q and x, and n sounds, quirky smooth complexity. The season was sort of a damp gray melancholy after a few days of vibrant color where I grew up in the mid-west, but where I now […]
Reorganizing Everything
I've been in such a funk lately that I decided to spend the day organizing… Household Organization First I bought a new shower curtain to coordinate with my old brick wall in the master bath. This helped me get out of my recent doldrums a bit. This didn't really help me organize anything, but having […]
Two Days Ago I Didn't Have A Clue
That is, the day before yesterday I didn’t have a clue as to how I was going to prepare whatever I was going to prepare to present as my business at a women’s business owner’s luncheon today. While I’ve been preparing to launch my business for a very long time, I have been serious about […]
Today Is All About Business, Well Mostly…
I spent the weekend on politics, on both doing and writing. So today is a get stuff done day. I am so freaking far behind that I may have a serious breakdown if I don’t make some progress. Fortunately I have very low standards and what counts as progress is defined most generously. That is a trick I learned while being a mother.